🖊️ Author: Nairuz Abulhul

🌐 Blog: R3dbuck3t

Table of Contents

Linux Environment


We will start from our Linux attack host without domain user credentials. It's a common thing to start a pentest off in this manner. We can use Wireshark and TCPDump to see what hosts and types of network traffic we can capture.

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Connect to the Linux attack host using xfreerdp and fire up Wireshark.

Also, if we are on a host without a GUI (which is typical), we can use tcpdump, or net-creds to perform the same functions. We can also use tcpdump to save a capture to a .pcap file, transfer it to another host, and open it in Wireshark.



$sudo -E wireshark


Run tcpdumpwith the option -i to specify the interface