
<aside> 💡 No Admin Privileges needed to import the DLL or use it. Domain enumeration can be done with unprivileged user


Import Modules

Import Microsoft Active Directory Management DLL

**Import-Module C:\\Active-Directory-Module\\Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.dll**

Import PowerShell Active Directory module ActiveDirectory.psd1

**Import-Module  C:\\Active-Directory-Module\\ActiveDirectory\\ActiveDirectory.psd1**

<aside> 💡 Why using PowerShell Active Directory Module is better than PowerView?

There are couple reasons you might consider when enumerating Active Directory environment, depending on the type of the assessment whether an internal pentesting with some level of noise or stealth of a red teaming:

Enumerating Organizational Units [OU]

The command returns all of the available organizational units

**Get-ADOrganizationalUnit -Filter * -Properties ***


**GET-ADReplicationSite -filter * | select Name, Description**


**Get-ADReplicationSubnet -Filter * | select name, site**