🖊️ Author: Nairuz Abulhul

🌐 Blog: R3dbuck3t

Table of Contents


The command performs content discovery by replacing the "FUZZ" keyword in the URL with entries from the specified wordlist. The -fc flag for filtering response size or a list of sizes using commas to separate them.

ffuf -w namelist.txt -u <> -H "HOST: FUZZ.inlanefreight.htb" -fs 10918

Clean up the Ffuf output with grep and AWK.

cat vhosts | grep FUZZ | awk {'print $3'}

Bash script to append original domain name to the identified subdomains

for i in $(cat vhost1); do echo $i.inlanefreight.htb ; done > vhost1


The namelist.txt is the list from Seclist - https://github.com/danielmiessler/SecLists/blob/master/Discovery/DNS/namelist.txt . The command runs the list to identify virtual hosts for the domain “inlanefreight.htb” that uses the provided IP address

cat namelist.txt | while read vhost; do echo "\\n========\\nFound Subdomain: ${vhost}\\n========="; curl -s -I <> -H "HOST: ${vhost}.inlanefreight.htb" | grep "Content-Length: "; done > output

The grep command again and filter for the lines that contain the text “Content-Length:”. Then, we use the uniq command to remove any duplicate lines in a text file, and the -c flag to count the number of times each unique line occurs.

cat output | grep "Content-Length:" | uniq -c 

The command greps the string and print the number of lines leading context. Specify the number of the lines with -B option. [before-context]

cat output | grep -B 4 "Content-Length: 103"